A family approach to philanthropy

We're delighted to partner with the Family Office Council to support their white paper, ‘A Family Approach to Philanthropy and a lasting Family Foundation’ where you can learn more about the views on family philanthropy from those working within Family Offices and the families themselves.

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Key questions

Involving your family in giving is hugely rewarding, bonding and valuable. But it can also be highly emotive, so for many families it isn’t always straightforward.  In this paper we tackle these key questions:

  • How do I make philanthropy sustainable?
  • How do I engage the next generation?
  • How do we know we are creating impact?
  • What are the options for professionalising philanthropy?
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Helping families target their philanthropy

As Family Offices spend more time on families’ philanthropic ambitions, and as charitable giving by high net worth individuals becomes more prominent, so the number of external advisors offering philanthropy expertise has blossomed.

This white paper reveals the output of a Family Office Council roundtable held in 2015, which we facilitated, in which philanthropy management issues faced by Family Offices and families were explored.

The discussion focused on how Family Offices can professionalise the way in which they engage in philanthropy and how this helps families target their philanthropic ambitions in the most confident and sustainable way.

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