CAF's publications encompass world class research on UK and international giving trends, philanthropy insight and comment from our Giving Thought think tank and reports from our Campaigns and Public Affairs team.
  • The Brazilian flag

    Brazil Giving 2017

    Unique insights into how people in Brazil give, the causes they support and how much they donate.
  • The USA flag

    Charitable Giving in the USA 2017

    Our latest report looks into how people give in the USA, the causes they support and why they give.
  • The flag of Canada

    Canada Giving 2017

    Our latest report gives you an overview of charitable giving in Canada, looking into how people give, the causes they support and why they give.
  • Philanthropy Comes of Age report 2017

    Philanthropy Comes of Age Blog

    We are delighted to share with you our blog on our new report, looking at the rise of donor advised giving in the UK.
  • Russia Giving 2017

    Russia Giving 2017

    Unique insights into how people in Russia give, the causes they support and how much they donate.

CAF Campaigns

Discover how we are working to create a better world for charity, and for you.

Giving Thought blog

Our blog includes details about key issues affecting civil society, philanthropy, social investment and using new technologies for social good.

Our Research

We provide free research publications and analysis helping to influence the decisions of charities, companies, donors, policy-makers, researchers and journalists worldwide.