Increased social skills lead to employment
Based in Wrexham, North Wales, Empower - Be The Change combines accredited soft skill training with volunteering and mentoring to create better skilled, better qualified, confident empowered individuals. By giving people confidence and opportunities to develop their skills Empower – Be The Change wants to help contribute to a society that doesn’t rely on benefits and social services.
Empower - Be The Change works with anyone over 15 years old with participants having the opportunity to complete anyone or more of their programmes, Empowerment, Empowered leaders and Empowered Mentor. Empower – Be The Change believes that by giving people the opportunity to achieve in all aspects of learning we will see increased employability and social cohesion leading to a reduction in poverty, addiction, re-offending and anti-social behaviour.
Expanding throughout Wales
Empower - Be The Change celebrates its three year anniversary in 2019. The company has grown from empowering 35 people in year one with an income of £17,000 to empowering 125 people in year three with an annual income of £125,000.
They aim to empower over 200 people in 2019 through the delivery of programmes across North Wales and create new partnerships with community, voluntary and corporate organisations. They plan to deliver programmes, including ones in Welsh, in some of the more rurally isolated areas of Wales.