The work the charity does
WILD told us about Amy* and her son who were supported by the charity. Having come out of a violent relationship, Amy experienced mental health problems and refused to work with professionals. Her baby was on a child protection plan and both were placed in a mother and baby foster placement in unfamiliar area, with possible care proceedings in the future.
Through WILD’s outreach support, Amy was encouraged to attend support groups and take up health support to address her mental ill health. She has taken part in various art and craft activities, and has worked with staff on developing safer relationships and mental health coping skills. As a result of this multi-faced approach, Amy and her baby are no longer in a foster placement, and the child protection plan has very recently been removed. Amy says:
"I have made friends with mums my age, and I have gained confidence to leave my house, because I used to stay in all the time. I didn't used to want to talk to professionals but now I can talk to them more."