It is also very important to not just focus on a younger generation of employees entering the workforce. A lot of the older generation share the same sentiment – they want to feel engaged and want to know that purpose is at the heart of the organisation they work for.
A YouGov survey, commissioned by food and drink company Danone UK, explores just how important it is for companies to have a purpose beyond profit. They found that:
- 27% of managers in British companies are likely to accept a salary cut to work for a company that has a clear purpose beyond profit
- 32% would consider leaving their job if a greater purpose was unclear
- 53% would consider leaving their job if the company’s values didn’t align with their own
It’s no secret that employees who champion their brand drive organisational growth – but the impact can be much more vivid than that.
Creating a culture of engagement leads to:
Employees are more philanthropically minded
Positioning philanthropy as part of your company culture helps to engage employees and make them feel more fulfilled at work. If the company encourages socially responsible behaviours like volunteering, fundraising and payroll giving, engaged employees are more likely to take advantage of these opportunities.
Employees are better communicators
Studies estimate that poor communication skills can cost organisations up to £25,000 per employee, per year. When an employee cares about their work, they are likely to communicate more effectively with their co-workers. Engaged employees will be better at participating in group activities and discussions, aiding innovation, collaboration and customer satisfaction.
Employees who feel more fulfilled add significant value which results in:
Better profit and sustainable growth
The age-old struggles of talent retention and attraction are still experienced by many businesses. Highly engaged teams show 21% greater profitability. Engaged teams are more profitable thanks to the 41% reduction in absenteeism and 59% less turnover.
Greater customer satisfaction
Engaged employees are more productive, which leads to better service and directly impacts customer satisfaction and loyalty - 7 out of 10 customers state that they will spend 13% more money with a company that provides excellent customer service.
More innovation
Engaged employees are more likely to collaborate and innovative at work. This benefit is one of the key reasons companies like Netflix and Microsoft spend so much time on engaging their employees. This helps them to stay at the forefront of their markets.