Charitable giving can play an important part in the wealth management strategy for your clients. With the end of the tax year approaching, now’s a good time to start a conversation with your clients about the tax relief available on gifts to charity.

Tax relief on donations for higher rate taxpayers

Donors who pay tax above the basic rate can reclaim the difference between the rate they pay and the basic rate of tax via their personal tax returns.

Example for a gift of £100,000 where the donor pays tax at 45%

  • Your client donates £100,000 to charity.
  • The charity can claim Gift Aid on the donation at 25% so the charity ultimately receives £125,000.
  • Your client can reclaim £31,250 via their personal tax return (i.e. the difference in tax rates  (45% - 20%) x gross donation of £125,000).*

* In order to qualify your client has to be a UK taxpayer and subject to an income or Capital Gains Tax liability equating to the same amount.

Experts in charitable giving

Get in touch with our philanthropy team to discuss how we can help your clients give smarter.

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Your philanthropy partner

We can help you deepen the relationship with your clients. Through our tax-effective, flexible giving vehicles we can amplify your clients giving. Whether they’re donating cash, shares or assets. 

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For one-off giving

Our CAF Donor Advised Gift (DAG) is a simple way to make large, one-off or occasional charitable gifts.

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For long-term giving

Our CAF Charitable Trust is a flexible, secure giving vehicle for managing long‐term giving.

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For dual US and UK taxpayers

Our CAF American Donor Fund is a smart way for dual UK and US taxpayers to achieve greater impact with their giving.

Learn more about our giving vehicles

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Contact us to explore how we can help your clients give smarter.

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