Personal giving

From one-off donations to long-term giving, or designing your personal philanthropic strategy, we work together to help you realise your giving ambitions.


Corporate giving

You have the vision for making a difference. So do we. We help you plan how to give based on your goals.


Services for charities

Helping your charity or social enterprise become more resilient.



Discover the latest insights for donors and charitable organisations to help create a greater impact


About us

We are a leading charity, working at the centre of the giving world. We help donors to give more impactfully and charities to build their resilience so they can do more of their life-changing work.

Find out more about CAF
Payroll giving

Give As You Earn

A flexible and tax-effective way for employees to donate to causes that matter to them the most.

What is payroll giving?

Payroll giving allows your employees to give to charity directly from their pay before tax. This reduces the amount of tax they pay and means they can afford to give more.

We’ve been running our payroll giving scheme, Give As You Earn, since 1987 and we’re the largest Payroll Giving Agency in the UK.

Your employees can choose charities to give to and we’ll send their donations to those organisations each month. Or they can hold their donations in an account with us until they are ready to request onward donations.

Why offer payroll giving?

The Give As You Earn (GAYE) scheme makes sense – for you, your employees, and for charities.

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    For your company

    For your company

    • Boosts responsible business activities, and sends a positive, caring message to employees, the wider community and stakeholders
    • Increases your employee benefits package offering
    • Earns your company recognition through government-recognised quality marks

    For employees

    For employees

    • Makes giving tax-effective by donating before salaries are taxed
    • Offers flexibility on an employee’s donation amount or chosen charities
    • Sees donations increase if employers match them
    • Employees can set up a direct donation to their chosen charities or open a Charity Account to contribute into and donate when they’re ready

    For charities

    For charities

    • Provides regular, long-term income streams – helping them plan more effectively for expenditure
    • Removes the need to claim Gift Aid – saving them valuable time and money

    There are other benefits, too. Payroll giving provides you with insight into the causes your people care about – so you can offer teams or individuals opportunities to do more with support from your company. And unless you’re looking to pay your employees’ admin fees for giving, Give As You Earn needn’t cost you a penny.

    As for any payments made to match your staff’s donations, as well as costs for running the scheme, these can be offset against profits – reducing your corporation tax bill.

    Why choose the Give As You Earn scheme?


    • We’re the UK’s largest payroll giving agency, and we’ve run Give As You Earn since 1987
    • £60 million was donated through Give As You Earn in the financial year 2022/23
    • Since we began, we’ve helped get more than £2 billion in donations to 40,000+ charities
    • We handle donations from over 2,000 employers
    • Employees can choose to give directly to charity or hold funds in a personal account to accumulate and make ad hoc donations
    • Our robust charity verification and due diligence processes help donations reach their intended causes safely and securely

    Ready to set up your scheme?

    Talk to us about setting it up within your organisation, or apply now. Get started today.


    Get more from your payroll giving scheme

    Staff Charity Fund

    Pool your employees’ payroll giving donations with the Staff Charity Fund and make a substantial collective contribution to charity. With their donations in one pot, you can then make tax-free contributions to causes or appeals that are important to them.

    Pool your employees donations

    Matched Giving

    Matching your employees’ charitable donations shows a commitment to the communities and causes your people care about. We can help you set up a matched giving scheme in a way that works for your business.

    Match your employees' donations

    Inspire your people to give

    Our resources provide useful tips and guidance on how to promote greater giving in your organisation. 

    Get recognition for your scheme

    The Payroll Giving Quality Mark is an accreditation to help celebrate and promote your scheme.

    Learn more

    Give As You Earn resources

    Resources to support with your Give As You Earn (GAYE) scheme.

    Learn more

    Boost employee engagement

    How to promote and grow your payroll giving scheme.

    Learn more

    Payroll Giving report

    The public’s views of payroll giving and our recommendations on how its usage could be increased.

    Read the report