Rob Vogtle
CAF Trustee, Non-Executive Director CAF Bank, Member CAF Investment Finance and Impact Committee, Member CAF Joint Renew Committee, Non-Executive Director CFSL
Rob joined CAF Trustees in January 2023. He was previously the CFO of global investment bank business divisions, regions, and the CFO of bank and non-bank entities.
He now is focused on his charity Trustee roles while open to other non-executive director roles.
Robert worked for international banks Citibank, Bankers Trust, and Deutsche Bank, most recently responsible for the DB CFO Division across the UK, EMEA, and Asia Pacific countries.
He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario, Canada.
Robert was a founding Director of AkarakA Foundation, an International Charity registered in Singapore for 11 years. AkarakA was wound down last year after supporting 493 students obtain a college education. Robert is currently Trustee of Community Wholecare Centres, focused on supporting individuals and communities to live a longer healthy life through LiveWell Centres supporting programs.