The impact
YMCA MK aims to offer far more than a safe place to live for young people. Its team wants to help residents make a step change in their lives, to aim high and face the future with confidence.
During 2020-21, YMCA MK supported 300 young people living in its campus and move-on accommodation. 45 residents completed its Independent Living Skills Programme, gaining practical day-to-day living skills, and 40 young people were supported into sustained employment.
“Had I not moved into the YMCA I honestly couldn’t say where I’d be now,” explains Stephen, one of the residents.
“The support I’ve received while living here has put me in a better position and I’m more myself now than I’ve ever been. I’m a lot more focused on working and I enjoy going out to work every day. All in all, I’m much much happier.”
Simon echoes the difference the campus is making, “We’ve created an aspirational environment, attracting high calibre staff and residents who are really pleased to be here – among them trainee doctors, dance academy students and an opera singer”.
The YMCA MK’s team’s commitment to making the campus the best it could possibly be is clearly not only stamped into the fabric of the building, but supporting the residents’ future ambitions too.
Project takeaways
For other charities considering a development project, Simon has shared three learnings from the YMCA MK team’s experience:
Be bold and ambitious
“By aiming big, being adventurous and taking some calculated risks, we were able to achieve so much more. If we had held back with our ambitions, the project wouldn’t have been as successful as it has been”.
Create space for ideas to flourish
“We reached a tipping point, when the team were adding new layers of imagination to the project that we hadn’t considered before. Their ideas helped the project to take on a life of its own”.
Plan, plan, plan
“At the start, I don’t think we fully comprehended the scale of the issues and discussions involved with a development project. In hindsight, we would have invested more time at the planning phase, to prepare ourselves for the demands to come, before building work commenced”.