Welcome to CAF Bank

The bank dedicated to supporting charities and social purpose enterprises. So we understand what you need.

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CAF Bank

Help and support

We're here to help with technical and account queries - and listen to feedback and complaints.

Help with online banking  

We're here to help you with any online banking queries. We’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions, to help you find the answer you're after.

You can also take a look at out our online banking user guide.

Common Questions 

Log in here

You might not receive secure messages if you don’t use the log-out button. 

CAF Bank UniqueCode is the Two Factor Authentication feature of Online Banking. It is sometimes referred to as a one-time passcode.

You will be prompted to register for CAF Bank UniqueCode, when you first log in. Once you're registered, you will use this feature to generate or receive a unique code each time you want to:

- Log in to CAF Bank Online.
- View or change your online banking details.
- Manage your online users.
- Authorise a payment.

If you still have access to your previous mobile number then log in as usual, and change your device in UniqueCode settings in the 'My details' section.

If you don't have access to your previous mobile number, please call our Customer Services team on 03000 123 456 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm, except English bank holidays). If you have online access only, please ask either a signatory or your primary contact to call.

You’ll receive an email to notify you when there is a message in your CAF Bank Online secure mailbox. As the message is sent to all the online banking users on your account, you may find that a request or instruction has already been processed when you access ‘Your messages’.

You’ll stop receiving secure messages if you don’t log in and check your secure mailbox each time you receive one.

You can download up to 18 months' worth of statements. This means that you can access your statements quickly and minimise the amount of paper generated.

Statements dated from September 2019 onwards will be available for 3 years. 

Please check your profile under ‘my details’. Select ‘Edit my details’ and check that the send email notifications box is ticked. If not, please tick. Next, delete and re-enter your email address and confirm amends. This will prompt email notifications to be sent.

This is a regulatory requirement, so these email notifications can't be turned off.

Log in to CAF Bank Online, choose the account, select 'View activity' and view details on the tabs at the top of the 'Statement' screen. 

Bill payments, Standing Orders and Bulk payments are sent by our Online Faster Payments service.

Payments authorised before 4pm will be processed the same day. The payee will receive the payment by close of business the following business day.

Instructions received after 4pm or on a weekend and English bank holidays will be processed the next business day. 

It’s not possible to set up an online payment to a bank account held outside the UK. You'll need to complete a 'Sending money outside the UK' form.

For details of our International Payment charges, please refer to our Tariff.

We don't offer this service at the moment. You can log in to your account via CAF Bank Online here.

Confirmation of Payee, a bank account name-checking service, was introduced by the industry in June 2020 to combat fraud and misdirected payments.

CAF Bank is now part of this service and is used when:

a)    You create a new payee – a request is sent to the recipients’ payment service provider to check whether the name provided is an exact match, close match or not a match, and
b)    When others wish to initiate a payment to your account with CAF Bank – the remitting payment service provider sends a request to us and we will send a response of whether the name provided is either is an exact match, close match or not a match.

Please see the section on Confirmation of Payee page for more details.

If you have blocked your password or locked your profile, please refer to the “Blocked and locked users” section in our online user guide. You can call us on 03000 123 456 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm, except English bank holidays). You may need to ask your Primary User or a signatory to call us depending on your access.

If you have changed your device and use the unique code app, please call us on 03000 123 456 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm, except English bank holidays). If you have online access only, please ask either a signatory or your Primary User to call.

To change your unique code preferred method, please refer to the “Viewing and changing CAF Bank UniqueCode preferred method” section in our online user guide or call us on 03000 123 456 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm, except English bank holidays).
You may need to ask your Primary User or a signatory to call us depending on your access.

Further questions? Give us a call

Our expert team is here to help with any questions you have about your organisation's banking. Phone 03000 123 456 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, except English bank holiday)