What is the CAF World Giving Index?

Now in its ninth year, the CAF World Giving Index looks at charitable behaviour around the world and shares insights into the nature of giving and trends in global generosity.

The CAF World Giving Index 2018 is based on data collected over a five year period (2013-2017). It includes results from 146 countries collected throughout 2017.

Each country is ranked for three giving behaviours as follows:

“The levels of generosity we see around the world is truly humbling, particularly when it highlights selfless support for others in countries which have suffered years of conflict, war and instability.  Our shared human values shine brightly throughout this unique report.”

Sir John Low, Chief Executive, CAF

What are the key findings from the CAF World Giving Index 2018?

  • Giving has increased in developed countries; a welcome reversal of the decline we saw last year amongst most of the top- scoring Western countries.
  • The giving gap between the continents is closing. For example, five years ago there was a 7 percentage point gap between the index scores of the Americas and Africa. Now it stands at just 1 percentage point.
  • More people around the world reported helping a stranger and volunteering their time in 2017, but the proportion donating money has declined for the second year in a row.

Download the full report for more insights


  • How are the ranking and scores calculated?
    To establish a rounded measure of giving behaviour across the world, the CAF World Giving Index relies on a simple averaging of the responses from the three key questions asked in each country. Each country is given a percentage score and countries are ranked on the basis of these scores. The Index measures countries by proportion of population giving rather than how much they give.
  • Why are some countries not included in the survey?
    Gallup collects the data as part of their World Poll research programme. As such, Gallup selects the countries to be included each year.
  • Does the CAF World Giving Index take into account political and social issues?
    The CAF World Giving Index does not take into account other factors which might drive or impede growth in generosity, such as the political, social and economic situation in any given country or region.

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Previous World Giving Index reports

First published by the Charities Aid Foundation in 2010, the World Giving Index is recognised as the world's leading study into global generosity.

World Giving Index 2015

CAF's World Giving Index is the leading authority on global generosity and provides a simple picture of charitable behaviour across the world.

Read the report

World Giving Index 2016

Get a picture of charitable behaviour around the world.

Read the report

World Giving Index 2017

See how people around the world give with insight into generosity across the globe.

Read the report

World Giving Index 2012

CAF's World Giving Index is a leading authority on global generosity and charitable behaviour across the world.

Read the report

World Giving Index 2013

The fourth edition of the World Giving Index looks at charitable behaviour across the world, involving more than 130 countries.

Read the report

World Giving Index 2014

CAF's World Giving Index is based on: the percentage of people who in a typical month donate money to charity, volunteer their time, and help a stranger.

Read the report
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