Personal giving

From one-off donations to long-term giving, or designing your personal philanthropic strategy, we work together to help you realise your giving ambitions.


Corporate giving

You have the vision for making a difference. So do we. We help you plan how to give based on your goals.


Services for charities

Helping your charity or social enterprise become more resilient.



Discover the latest insights for donors and charitable organisations to help create a greater impact


About us

We are a leading charity, working at the centre of the giving world. We help donors to give more impactfully and charities to build their resilience so they can do more of their life-changing work.

Find out more about CAF

Inside giving

Discover insight into donor behaviour, key issues affecting charities and responses to significant UK events.

Insight into donors and charities is central to our mission at CAF. By sharing the information we’ve collected we hope to accelerate progress towards a fairer future for all.

Donor research

The attitudes and behaviours of those giving to charity

World Giving Index 2024

The existence of generosity and civil society is a constant in all societies. Our World Giving Index offers a unique insight into how people engage in social activities for the benefit of their communities and to champion the growth of global giving.

First published in the wake of the global financial crisis in 2010, this long-running study has given us the opportunity to look into the scope and nature of giving around the world.

View the findings

Charities and international research

Insights about and for charities, and on cross-border giving

What the public think of charities using AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is big news. It represents a potential step-change in how all of us do our jobs, but what this looks like in practice is still at a very early stage. Like most organisations, charities are considering what AI might mean for them: how could they take advantage of the opportunities while mitigating the risks? Our Head of Research, Alex Plumb, explains what charities can learn from our UK Giving data.


View the findings Read the blog

Research archive

Our research archive includes past research on:

  • The charity and giving landscapes in the UK
  • The use of charity services
  • Using policy to strengthen the charity sector
  • Giving around the world

View the research archive

Amplifying sector voices through our policy work

Our independent research and connections to policy makers, charities, and donors give us a uniquely rounded perspective – one we use to stand up for charities. Our policy recommendations help shape the future of giving.


Read about our policy work

Media enquiries

For all media enquiries, please visit our media office.

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