Place-based giving schemes (PBGS) are a means of fostering local philanthropy, increasing investment in local communities, and supporting the development of local places. They bring together residents, philanthropists, corporate donors, public sector organisations, and civil society organisations to raise money and address local priorities.

The schemes put local people at the heart of funding decisions, engaging citizens as donors and volunteers to help set priorities and choose what projects will be funded. 

Insight from the Growing Place-Based Giving programme

We've been working with six place-based giving schemes in England over the past 18 months. The work has been part of the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport's Growing Place-based Giving programme. The programme included government funding of £100,000 per scheme alongside support that we put in place.

The aim of the programme was to help the schemes get off the ground and make strides towards raising funds to address local issues. We've written three reports to share what was learnt from from the programme:

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