Corporate Giving 2024
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We help donors to give more impactfully and charities to build their resilience so they can do more of their life-changing work.
From one-off donations to long-term giving, or designing your personal philanthropic strategy, we work together to help you realise your giving ambitions.
DISCOVER OUR PERSONAL GIVING SOLUTIONSYou have the vision for making a difference. So do we. We help you plan how to give based on your goals.
DISCOVER OUR CORPORATE GIVING SOLUTIONSHelping your charity or social enterprise become more resilient.
DISCOVER HOW WE SUPPORT CHARITIESDiscover the latest insights for donors and charitable organisations to help create a greater impact
ExploreWe are a leading charity, working at the centre of the giving world. We help donors to give more impactfully and charities to build their resilience so they can do more of their life-changing work.
Find out more about CAFIn January, I attended the launch of the Charity Investment Governance Principles (CGIP).
This new resource is designed to help charities and their trustees navigate the seemingly complex world of charity investment.
In January, I attended the launch of the Charity Investment Governance Principles (CGIP). This new resource is designed to help charities and their trustees navigate the seemingly complex world of charity investment.
The CGIP provide clear, practical advice on good governance and other areas for consideration for those involved in charity governance in England and Wales, in particular trustees, employees and committee members. Available online, the CGIP consist of seven principles, following a similar structure to the Charity Governance Code. These are:
Under each principle, you will find clear definitions, rationales and suggested outcomes, as well as more detailed guidance and links to other resources. This includes practical advice and examples, highlighting what must be done (in law), and recommended activities and considerations. Developed in collaboration with the Charity Commission, the Principles support Guidance note CC14, which covers ‘Investing charity money: guidance for trustees’.
The Steering Group behind the project, which comprises representative bodies from across the third sector, aimed to produce a toolkit that would help improve outcomes and, where appropriate, encourage creativity and innovation for charities considering investing. Based on their research, the group identified that many charities focus more on avoiding taking the ‘wrong’ approach than on building their confidence and tailoring their investment approach to their objectives and mission.
The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) was one of the over 100 sector participants who helped shape the Principles through focus groups and draft reviews. The Principles align with our own resources and guidance, which look in more depth at those areas that we feel are of particular interest to charities, donors, and others across the charitable sector.
Please take some time to review the Principles, which are available at They may help you start your investment journey, validate what you may already be doing or give you some ideas on what you might do differently or improve.
Charity investment should not be a dark art. The Principles help shine a light on an activity that could provide significant benefit your charity’s mission and those you serve.
Learn how investments can help build the financial resources of your charity or social purpose enterprise.
Explore giving from the UK's largest companies to its smallest businesses.
Since 2019, Barratt has donated over £3.1m to OB, through Barratt Developments plc and the Barratt Foundation.
The characteristics we use to help a charity reflect on their resilience. How does your organisation measure up to them?