Personal giving

From one-off donations to long-term giving, or designing your personal philanthropic strategy, we work together to help you realise your giving ambitions.


Corporate giving

You have the vision for making a difference. So do we. We help you plan how to give based on your goals.


Services for charities

Helping your charity or social enterprise become more resilient.



Discover the latest insights for donors and charitable organisations to help create a greater impact


About us

We are a leading charity, working at the centre of the giving world. We help donors to give more impactfully and charities to build their resilience so they can do more of their life-changing work.

Find out more about CAF
Home Personal giving
Give and change the world

Meet the Private Client Team

Our expert team is on hand to help with any questions you have about your philanthropy.

Together, we give more

Over the last 100 years, we have led the way in developing innovative approaches to giving, helping generous donors distribute £1 billion to charities around the globe annually. 

Through our strategic advice, insight-led approach, and connections to over 160,000 charities, we can help you choose how and when you give. So, you know you're making a tangible difference to the causes you care about. 

Ways to give through CAF

Charity Account

Donate regularly into a Charity Account. We can add UK Gift Aid on all eligible amounts, then hold your money until you’re ready to make onward donation requests.

Charitable Trust

Manage long-term giving through our donor advised fund (DAF). You can use this fund to make grants at any time, and you also have the option to invest.

Give through your employer's payroll

Give directly from your pay – and reduce your income tax bill. You can donate directly to UK charities or add funds to a Charity Account or Charitable Trust until you’re ready to make onward donation requests.

Make a large, one-off gift

Choose to give a large sum once, or to give occasionally, with no long-term commitments. You can also give complex, non-cash assets, and to charities overseas.

Give as a dual US/UK taxpayer

Claim eligible US and UK tax relief on your giving with our dedicated American Donor Fund. We can also add on the 25% Gift Aid for all appropriate donations in the UK.

Leave a gift in your will

Simplify giving through your will by naming us as your sole beneficiary. We’ll help your money go to your chosen charities.

Not sure what you need?

Talk to us about your giving goals and we’ll discuss how you can achieve them.

Contact us

Why choose CAF?

£1 billion every year

We distribute over £1 billion each year for donors who support non-profits around the globe.

100 years’ experience 

We've led the way in developing innovative approaches to giving for a century.

Global reach

We partner with membership bodies and other organisations to enable safe and effective cross-border giving and advocate for philanthropy around the world.

We know philanthropy

Philanthropy is personal. Wherever you are on your philanthropic journey, our bespoke advice is tailored to your needs and expectations.

Safe and secure

Our robust charity verification and due diligence processes help your donations reach their intended causes safely and securely.

The UK’s leader in payroll giving

We send £60 million of employee donations to charities annually.

Make your donation go even further

Our dedicated Impact Accelerator team provides guidance and strategic advice across impact management, grantmaking and social investment opportunities.


Find out more

Get philanthropy advice

Working closely with you, we’ll help define your values and impact you’re aiming for, and create a giving strategy that achieves it.

Provide social investment

Contribute to our social investment fund to provide multiple charities and social enterprises with the affordable, repayable finance they need to sustain and grow their impact.

Create a grant programme

We’ll help you design and deliver a fair, accessible and best-practice grant programme that addresses societal needs, while managing risk.

Are you a professional adviser?

Talk to us about how best to help your clients realise their giving ambitions.

Contact us
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