Case study

Giving a voice to those in care

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A lifetime of equality, respect and love - that is what the award-winning charity Who Cares? Scotland works to achieve for care experienced people, by offering them a platform to have their voice heard.

The charity has been using our online donation platform, CAF Donate, for the last four years, raising a total of around £26,000 to support its vital work.

They raise £6,500 each year from individuals who give via the platform by promoting seasonal campaigns, including a fundraiser to put on a special Christmas Day dinner for 110 care experienced people who would otherwise be spending Christmas day alone.

But their achievements don’t end there, Over the last year, Who Cares? Scotland won the UK Charity of the Year Award, as well as taking the title of overall winner, and top prize in the campaigning and advocacy category, at the Charity Awards.

These awards were in recognition of their ability to bring about transformational change.

Gavin Sinclair, fundraising and partnership manager at Who Cares? Scotland, tells us: 

CAF Donate has really helped us over the years. It is easy and quick to link with donors. Thanks to its reports, we can contact our donors directly and thank them personally for their donation.”

Who Cares? Scotland pose with their award at the Charity Awards

Who Cares? Scotland was originally set up as an independent advocacy charity, supporting young people in care on a one to one basis. In recent years it has become more widely known for its campaigning and influence work. In many cases, Care Experienced people struggle to attend university at the same rate as their peers, and can experience mental health issues.

Aside from seasonal campaigns, the charity uses funds raised to support a range of activities for its members, from weekly group sessions to weekend residentials, national events and summer camp.