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Five tips for finding ways to work with other charities

A pressing time for charities to explore formal and informal ways of working together

Collaboration has always been an important consideration for charities, particularly smaller ones wanting to increase their efficiency, impact and effectiveness.

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic many charities reported an increase in demand for services at a time when working practices were restricted and fundraising activities were curtailed or even cancelled. Now seems like an important time for charities to explore formal and informal ways of working together to ensure they can continue to deliver their mission and support those most in need.

Here are our five tips on how to collaborate with other charities: 

1. Assess the benefits of collaboration

  • Identify potential areas where collaboration with other charities might be possible such as service provision or sharing resources.

2. Explore informal ways to collaborate

  • This might range from signposting between charities to sharing knowledge and best practice.

3. Test it out

  • Identify other like-minded charities in the local area and reach out.
  • Explore how it might be possible to work together both formally and informally and see if you can put a trial in place.
  • Communicate, communicate, communicate.

4. Explore formal ways to collaborate

  • Agreeing a formal arrangement can help charities become more efficient, deliver better services and save money.
  • Research by the Foundation for Social Improvement has found four types of joint working - strategic alliances, formal partnerships, joint ventures and mergers.

5. Reassess the benefits of collaboration

  • According to the Foundation for Social Improvement, working with other charities can not only help to solve societal issues but improve efficiency and facilitate growth.
  • What has gone well during the trial period?  Could this be a model for the future?

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