Personal giving

From one-off donations to long-term giving, or designing your personal philanthropic strategy, we work together to help you realise your giving ambitions.


Corporate giving

You have the vision for making a difference. So do we. We help you plan how to give based on your goals.


Services for charities

Helping your charity or social enterprise become more resilient.



Discover the latest insights for donors and charitable organisations to help create a greater impact


About us

We are a leading charity, working at the centre of the giving world. We help donors to give more impactfully and charities to build their resilience so they can do more of their life-changing work.

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Home About us Public affairs and policy

Public Affairs and Policy

We use our expertise in philanthropy and charitable giving to amplify the charity sector’s voice and needs, working with government, policy makers and regulators to bring about change.

We’re here to change what ‘good’ looks like

We are CAF – the charity specialists. We understand the challenges charities face and we know how to unlock the potential of charitable giving in the UK. We speak from the data we gather every day, and the experience we’ve gained since we started in 1924 to bring about real, lasting change.

Our connections to policy makers, charities and donors give us a uniquely rounded perspective. Help us bring about the positive change the world needs to see.

Policy briefings and consultations 

View our latest policy recommendations to help shape the future of giving: 

  • Strong and stable for the many, not for the few: 2017 report

    In June 2017, following the General election we explored the role of charities in the UK.
  • Giving a Sense of Place 2017: Philanthropy and the future of UK civic identity

    In this report we look at the role philanthropy can play in towns and cities around the UK.
  • Laying the groundwork for global giving: 2017 update

    In 2017 we published a report exploring how to create a global culture of giving.
  • Mind the Gap 2012: giving and the younger generation

    In 2012, we explored giving by individuals, looking at giving behaviours among the younger generation.
  • Growing up Giving - insights

    This research was designed to provide some context for CAF’s Growing Giving campaign. The campaign aims to close the ‘generation gap’ in charitable giving and promote active engagement of charities with all age groups.
  • Growing Giving: Giving at Work - Parliamentary Inquiry

    The next stage of the Inquiry focused on employment; how people can support charities throughout their working life, employers can improve loyalty and staff skills and how people increasingly want to work for organisations committed to social good.
  • Chain links 2017: the role of Mayors in building a culture of civic philanthropy

    By championing local giving, do Mayors have an opportunity to embrace the generosity of people and business to help address local issues?
  • Creating an Age of Giving, 2014 report

    Conclusions from the Growing Giving Parliamentary Inquiry 2014
  • UK policy and the global closing space for civil society: 2017 update

    This report explores recent policy developments affecting the advocacy function of civil society organisations in the UK as well as the nature of the UK's soft power and the different ways in which it can be wielded.
  • Gross domestic philanthropy: An international analysis of GDP, tax and giving

    This report details not only the relative values and limits of incentives but also profiles how civil society organisations (CSOs) gain donor incentivised status, how donors claim incentives, and the various forms that incentives take.

Our research

Our work to support the charity sector is led by facts. These facts come from our own independent research into giving behaviour and the charity landscape.

Read the latest insights that drive our policy recommendations.

See all research insights

Our team

Vicki Butler ROUND (002)

Vicki Butler 

Senior Public Affairs and Policy Manager 

Annie Moss

Annie Moss 

Public Affairs Manager 

Anna Mowbray

Anna Mowbray 

Policy Manager