We are delighted to launch the second edition of the Russia Giving report, looking at giving across Russia.

The Russia Giving report provides unique insight into how people give, their motivations and which causes they support.

Download the free report here

What are the key findings in Russia?

Unique insights into giving in Russia

  • Cash is the most popular way to give in Russia.
  • Younger Russians are more likely to have volunteered in the last year.
  • Around half of Russians believe charities have a positive influence both on the country as a whole, on their local community, and internationally.


CAF Russia is part of the CAF Global Alliance, a network of nine locally-led, independent organisations that work across six continents.

Over the last 25 years, the Global Alliance and its international presence has led to breakthroughs and social change that’s had a positive effect on the lives of millions of vulnerable and disadvantaged people and communities.

At its core, the Global Alliance works to help strengthen civil society worldwide as part of CAF, a champion for giving that works to help donors, companies and charities make a bigger impact.

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By working with with local experts, CAF International has helped make a real difference to communities around the world.

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International giving

Explore how people around the world give and discover unique insight into charitable behaviour and generosity across the globe.

Find out about giving across the world

South Africa Giving 2019

Our research reveals key facts on civic participation and giving trends in South Africa.

Learn about giving in South Africa

Brazil Giving 2019

Our research reveals the key facts and trends of charitable giving in Brazil.

Discover giving in Brazil

USA Giving 2019

Our research reveals the key facts and trends in charitable giving in the US.

Read more about giving in the USA.

Canada Giving 2019

Our research reveals the key facts and trends in charitable giving in Canada.

Read about giving in Canada

India Giving 2019

Our unique research provides a robust and insightful view of the current giving landscape.

Read more on India Giving


Now in its ninth year, the CAF World Giving Index looks at charitable behaviour around the world and shares insights into the nature of giving and trends in global generosity. The CAF World Giving Index 2018 is based on data collected over a five year period (2013-2017). It includes results from 146 countries collected throughout 2017.

Discover the CAF World Giving Index 2018

CAF World Giving Index

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