“They took all our shops and things away and they forgot to put them back.”
The area of Chelmsley Wood, near Solihull, has a higher level of unemployment compared to rest of Solihull and it also suffers from low levels of skills attainment by young people. The local 1960s shopping precinct, with its long standing fish and chip shop, became very run down and was demolished to make way for a new development. The community spirit suffered during the five years it took to complete the regeneration programme of the area.
However, in 2017 Chelmund’s Cross was successfully completed as a new village hub and is now home to a primary school, an enterprise centre, a medical centre, a specialist care home and new retail units. Major road improvements have been carried out and the Three Trees Baptist Church has undergone a major refurbishment, thanks to its own fundraising efforts, and now includes modern community facilities.
A consortium of small community organisations, including the Three Trees community centre, the business support group Development in Social Enterprise, a community café Olive Branch Kitchen and the churches on Chelmund’s Cross, co-invested to set up a local fish and chip shop. This created a hub for the community and local job opportunities, as well as generating surpluses to be reinvested in the local area.
Chelmund’s Fish & Chips is owned by the groups that run it and once the social enterprise has covered its costs, the profits will be reinvested into local community groups for community events, youth projects and groups for older residents.
Chelmund’s Fish & Chips opened in March 2018 but was soon plagued by staffing difficulties and had to close again for two weeks. They recruited a head frier, with 30 years' experience, and received advice and support from the winners of the National Fish & Chip awards 2018. With this experience and support they have now trained several local people to work in the shop. They have created 14 jobs, nine for people who live in the community and, for four individuals, this is their first job.
The CAF Venturesome team visited the fish & chip shop in September 2018 and loved the delicious fish and chips!