About norfolk hospice

The Norfolk Hospice cares for patients over 18 years of age who have been diagnosed with a life-shortening illness in North West Norfolk.

They offer support, care and advice to patients, their carers and families through all stages of their illness.

Norfolk Hospice needed urgent funding for their end of life care in the community.

The Hospice at Home nursing service that they offer is incredibly important as it means patients can spend the last few weeks of their lives in their own home.



How the £50,000 grant from the CAF Resilience Fund helped support people with a life shortening illness

Provide Stability

The hospice was able to pay for core running costs such as paying nurse salaries and plan for the future with confidence.

Providing Critical Care at Patient Homes

Continued to provide Hospice at Home Community End of Life Care.

New Extended Service

Offered through-the-night extended service and home visits, administering drugs for patients in the comfort of their own environment.

Norfolk Hospice: Their story

Through the CAF Resilience Fund, Norfolk Hospice could continue to run their end of life care in the community.  They were also able to offer a new extended response service throughout the night from 10pm to 6am. This rapid response service meant that nurses could visit homes in the middle of the night to prescribe and administer drugs and make patients comfortable in their hour of need.

Nights can be the worst times for their patients and carers as it can be so lonely and sometimes they just needed words of support, knowing that there was someone on the end of a phone if they needed to call upon them.

Having this extra funding ensured more patients were cared for in their own homes rather than in care homes or hospitals.  When patients are in their own homes they are not a burden on the NHS, which already has enough to deal with because of Covid-19, and this also means that patients can spend their last days with their loved ones, which is something the pandemic has cruelly disrupted.

The Impact 

This grant has given us the ability to sustain our work force so that we have a nursing team that is able to support those families that desperately need our help.  Thank you.

"Over the last year, the pressure to support patients at home at end of life has increased tremendously. Lack of income generation due to the closure of our shops and reduction in fundraising activities put our staffing levels at risk."

Lyndsay Carter
Chief Executive, Norfolk Hospice


This funding has been jointly provided by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Community Match Challenge funding scheme as part of the Government's £750 million coronavirus support package for charities along with matched funding by the Covid-19 Support Fund created by the insurance and long-term savings industry.

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