About NAZ Project London

The NAZ Project London is a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) led sexual health agency and HIV support service working to address sexual health inequalities in BAME communities. Covid-19 has drastically impacted the services they offer and their work with service users.

Securing core operating costs is the biggest challenge for any charity; CAF's recent grant to NAZ has been a much-needed act of support.

Parminder Sekhon
CEO, The NAZ Project London 



How the £50,000 grant from the CAF Resilience Fund helped support vulnerable members within the black, asian and minority ethnic communities

Core costs

Covered core running costs to remain sustainable to deal with the long term effects of Covid-19.

Virtual Help

Updated their IT capabilities to offer online clinical and non-clinical services.

Increased Connectivity

Improved resilience and clients’ mental health.

The NAZ Project London: Their story

Since the lockdown began, NAZ Project London have been actively supporting the immediate needs of their clients: providing food, referrals, counselling and advice on welfare and benefits. This has been a crucial service for clients who do not have English as a first language or are not confident accessing benefits for themselves.

During the first lockdown, the casework team spoke to 301 people living with HIV in under 72 hours. They were all extremely anxious about having to self-isolate and how they were going to earn a living. 

COVID-19 meant that face-to-face interaction ceased and they had to quickly learn to adapt to offering virtual events (including live webinars and online counselling).  NAZ Project London urgently needed funds to update its IT infrastructure so they could continue to provide the crucial online client support work. 

The Impact 

 Now more than ever BAME-led charities need to keep their heads above the waterline and not only survive but adapt, grow and thrive as we respond to the disproportionate Covid related impacts within our communities.

A grant from the CAF Resilience Fund has ensured that the NAZ Project can continue vital work to guarantee that their vulnerable members receive the crucial online support required to improve their mental health. 


Connecting Communities With Kindness

Find out how Small Acts of Kindness with a grant of £24,600 helped support the vulnerable older community in Hertfordshire.

Find out more here

This funding has been jointly provided by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Community Match Challenge funding scheme as part of the Government's £750 million coronavirus support package for charities along with matched funding by the Covid-19 Support Fund created by the insurance and long-term savings industry.

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