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Charity resilience fund distributes first £10m

5 February 2021

The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) has distributed more than £10m to charitable organisations in England supporting those hardest hit by Covid-19.

The CAF Resilience Fund has distributed grants ranging from £10k to £100k to both registered and unregistered small and mid-sized charitable organisations to deliver rapid relief from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.  The average amount awarded was £30,000 and the grants are flexible meaning organisations can spend them on core costs such as rent and utilities as well as delivering front line services.

The causes and communities which have benefitted from the fund include children and young people, individuals and communities living in poverty, people with learning or physical disabilities, the homeless, BAME communities, those experience mental health conditions, victims of abuse, and communities facing health inequalities.

The funding for the CAF Resilience Fund has been provided by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Community Match Challenge funding scheme, part of the Government's £750m coronavirus support package for charities.  The Community Match Challenge matched funding is provided by the Covid-19 Support Fund created by the insurance and long-term savings industry. (#CommunitiesCan)

Monica Brown, Head of Charity Advisory at CAF, said:

"We are very pleased to have distributed more than £10m to charities which have been at the very heart of the response to this pandemic.

"This money has been targeted at those areas of the country where the need is greatest, towards communities who have struggled to access earlier funding, at those facing cultural barriers and those who have lacked a voice through these long and difficult months."

Lynne Misner, Chief Executive of the charity Small Acts of Kindness, said:

"The funding from the CAF Resilience Fund has meant that we could respond to additional demand for our Warm in Winter gift bags containing essential keep warm items and information for older people.

"We have been able to ensure that thousands of lonely and vulnerable older people across Hertfordshire, many of whom have been isolating for months, were warm in their homes when the weather turned cold.

"In a challenging year for small charities like ours this funding has made all the difference, allowing us to keep going, feel more secure and support those in need."

Yvonne Braun, Executive Lead at the Association of British Insurers for the Covid-19 Support Fund, said:

“It is tremendous to see the funds from the Community Match Challenge scheme reaching frontline charitable organisations – and having an impact – so quickly.

"The insurance and long term savings industry is very proud to be able to play a part in this collaborative effort to assist such important causes and communities at a time of intense need.”

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