Payroll giving lets you provide charities with a regular income, to allow them to plan ahead and budget for the future. If you need to know more about giving through your wages, our FAQs can help.
  • My charity hasn’t received my donation – what should I do?
    If you’re a new employee, and you haven’t had your first donation deducted, please speak to your HR or payroll department, as it may take some time for them to add your donation details to the system.

    If you’ve already had your donation deducted from your pay, please contact your HR or payroll department to find out whether they’ve sent the donations listings to us.
  • How do I amend my donation amount?
    Please speak to your Payroll department about the best way to amend your donation amount.
  • Will my employer pay my fees?
    Some employers pay the fees for CAF Give As You Earn, and others don’t. Your payroll or HR department will be able to tell you.
  • I make donations direct to a charity. Why don’t I get a statement?
    We aim to keep our costs low, so we don’t issue statements to donors who give directly to a charity.
  • How can a charity claim Gift Aid on my CAF Give As You Earn donation?
    Because your donation is made through your pay, it’s already tax-effective. This means that the charity will have already received the maximum donation and won’t need to claim Gift Aid on your donation.
  • What if I change employers?
    If you make payroll giving donations into a CAF Charity Account, and your new employer doesn’t offer CAF Give As You Earn, you can still give to your favourite causes by switching to a Gift Aid CAF Charity Account.

    Once your new account is open, we can transfer any funds from the CAF Charity Account that was funded through CAF Give As You Earn.
  • How do I stop payroll giving?
    Simply tell your HR or payroll department that you want to stop making donations through your wages.

Our team

Our Customer Service team is here to help with any questions you have about CAF Give As You Earn.

03000 123 000
(Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, except bank holidays)