Angharad Thomas

Head of Media Relations
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11 January 2018

The extension of the plastic bag levy is to be welcomed and will generate millions of pounds for good causes, according to the Charities Aid Foundation.

The introduction of the levy in 2015 had a "huge positive impact" on a diverse range of national and local charities analysis by CAF has found.

More than £20 million has been distributed by CAF to charities by retailers including Aldi, Marks & Spencer, Co-op and Sainsbury's since the levy was introduced.  CAF helps people and businesses give to good causes and has been working with several retailers to support them in donating the proceeds of the levy as well as providing advice and setting up grant programmes.

CAF is calling on the Government to look at how charges and levies could support charities working for the public good, building on the huge success of the 5p-a-bag plastic bag levy.

Rhodri Davies, Head of Policy at the Charities Aid Foundation said:

"The extension of the plastic bag levy and the call for evidence to support a possible charge on single-use plastic containers is a positive move.

"Since 2015 behaviour change has been brought about and millions of pounds generated for good causes.  As well as supporting the vital work of charities, these funds can be used to develop better recycling facilities and support organisations working in areas such as the environment, recycling and consumer advice which help to change our communities for the better."


  1. In August 2016 CAF research found that the plastic bag levy had raised millions for charities.
  2. In January 2018 Sir John Low, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, said: “The reaction to the idea of 25p added to the price of your takeaway coffee shows that people support levies and consumer charges that are used in a positive way.  Ministers should look not only to develop better recycling facilities but also harness the excellent charities working for the public good, particularly in areas like the environment, recycling and consumer advice to achieve the greatest impact from the levy.
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