George Young

Senior Media Relations Officer

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11 February 2020

PLEASE NOTE: this article originally appeared in Civil Society.

Please click here to read the full article.

The UK Government has said recently that charities need to "level up". But what does this mean in real terms, and how will charities be affected? CAF's Head of Policy Rhodri Davies delves into the specifics. 

Please click on the link above to read the full article.

Notes to editors 

CAF exists to make giving go further, so that more lives and communities around the world can be transformed.

CAF is a charity and a champion for better giving, and for over 90 years has helped donors, companies, charities and social organisations make a bigger impact. Through CAF Bank, it offers simple and straightforward day-to-day banking, designed exclusively for charities.

We are CAF and we make giving count.

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Speaker profile: Rhodri Davies

Rhodri's specialist areas include philanthropy, history of philanthropy, the future of giving, Blockchain/Bitcoin and charity, artificial intelligence and giving, augmented/virtual reality and charity and the science of charitable giving.

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