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Opening attractions, allowing face-to-face contact essential for charities restarting

4 June 2020

The reopening of visitor attractions and community centres and permitting face-to-fact contact with the people they are helping are what charities say they need in order to get back on their feet, according to a new survey by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF).

The survey of 539 charities was taken after the slight easing in lockdown measures in England was announced but most charities (75%) said the initial measures would have little or no impact on their ability to cope with the effects of the pandemic.

When asked to identify the steps that would make the biggest difference to their ability to reopen many of their services, almost one in three (28%) singled out a return to face-to-face contact with clients. Others pointed to reopening of community centres (18%) and visitor attractions such as museums and gardens (13%).

The reopening of charity shops and cafes were also listed as being factors that will help charities to resume their full services.

Charities have previously reported that they have made significant changes in response to the crisis with 4 in 10 (39%) saying they had found an alternative or innovative way to deliver a service (an example would be turning a soup kitchen into a meal delivery service for vulnerable people) and a quarter (25%) reported that they had found a new way to reach their beneficiaries, largely by relying on technology to keep in touch.

Susan Pinkney, HeSusan Pinkney Head of Researchad of Research at CAF, said:

“We know the effect of this crisis meant that just when so many charities were facing incredible demand for services, their ability to deliver was also curtailed.

“So many charities have impressed with their ability to move quickly to find another way of delivering services or teaming up with other charities and partners to help their communities.

“This survey tells us that charities, like so many others, are looking towards the future and trying to assess how they can rebuild their capacity safely.


CAF can provide specific examples of some of the charities in the UK that have adapted how they work in order to continue to delivery their services.

For example, Ab Phab in East London moved from a face-to-face youth club to online support and in the north west, Maundy Relief moved from being a community hub serving food to creating a delivery service.   

About CAF

CAF exists to make giving go further, so that more lives and communities around the world can be transformed.  CAF is a charity and a champion for better giving, and for over 90 years has helped donors, companies, charities and social organisations make a bigger impact. Through CAF Bank, it offers simple and straightforward day-to-day banking, designed exclusively for charities.  We are CAF and we make giving count.

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