Online donations increase on Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday provides a great opportunity for you to boost your charity’s fundraising. Here's how you can use CAF Donate to power your fundraising for this year's campaign...

1   Create a campaign webpage

Once you've decided what activity you want to do on Giving Tuesday, create a campaign page on your charity's website. You can use this webpage to let your supporters know what your plans are and update them on how your campaign is going.

If you need some inspiration for what to do on the day, take a look at some of the things your charity can do depending on your time and budget, or Giving Tuesday website.

2   Set up your CAF Donate campaign

Log into CAF Donate and create a new campaign specifically for your Giving Tuesday activities. Design the look and feel of your online donation page, share what you're doing for the campaign and set donation amounts for your donors to choose from.

Need some help on creating new campaigns in CAF Donate? Take a look at our step by step instructions.

3   Promote and share your Giving Tuesday campaign

Make sure you add links from your website to the online donation page of your CAF Donate campaign so that your supporters can easily donate to your campaign. Follow our guide for instructions on how to do this.

Now tell your supporters what your Giving Tuesday plans are by emailing them and sharing your activities on social media. Our Giving Tuesday campaign timeline has some great ideas on how to share your plans.

For useful templates and toolkits on ramping up your social media activity to engaging influencers, check out the resource section for charities on the Giving Tuesday website

4   Evaluate your Giving Tuesday campaign

When the day's over and your campaign has finished it's time to find out how successful your fundraising has been.

You can do this by downloading your CAF Donate fundraising report for your Giving Tuesday campaign. The report will give you a breakdown of your donations by payment type and channel (eg whether your donor donated by your website, mobile, Facebook).

5   Thank your donors

Your CAF Donate fundraising report will also give you the contact details for your donors (if they haven't chosen to remain anonymous). You can use this information thank them, share the success of your Giving Tuesday campaign and tell them how you plan on using their generous donations. 


Get started

Log in to CAF Donate

Create your Giving Tuesday campaign and start your fundraising.

Log in now

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